The files varied-localized-all-AllConf.csv varied-localized-all-Coherence.csv varied-localized-all-Cosine.csv varied-localized-all-IR.csv varied-localized-all-Kulczynski.csv varied-localized-all-MaxConf.csv contain the evaluation results for the experiments with the QALD dataset for localized rules that were obained with the following settings: min_entities_per_class => 100 max_entities_per_class => 10000 min_anchor_count => 10 min_propertyonegram_length => 4 min_propertypattern_count => 5 min_propertystring_length => 5 max_propertystring_length => 100 . The first experiment in each file contains the results when all parameters (min_supA, min_supB, min_supAB, min_condBA, min_condAB, threshold) were set to their respective minimum values (i.e., min_supA=5, min_supB=5, min_supAB=5, min_condBA=0, min_condAB=0, threshold=0). The following lines show the results from experiments where only one of these parameters has a value above its respective minimum value. The figures 1-3, shown in the paper, are based on the data in the file varied-localized-all-AllConf.csv. The file qald-questions-combined.yml is in YAML format and contains the (question,query) pairs that we collected from the QALD challenge datasets. The file qald-questions-details.yml is in YAML format and contains the (question,query) pairs that we collected from the QALD challenge datasets. In addition, it contains for each question the n-grams and for each query it contains the query parts (e.g., the list of terms that appear in subject position etc.).