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An utterance that accepts a proposal, request, statement or information request .[1] [2][3]

 Example (1) [4]:
       A: Can you tell me the time?
       B: Yes (accept)

Example (2):

-Explainer: ['So what would that have to do', 'with gravity or astrophysics?']
-Explainee: ["Well, what I'm looking at is states of matter", 'that might exist inside neutron stars.', 'So, when a star dies, if the star is massive enough,', "there's a huge explosion, called a supernova,", "and the stuff that's left behind", "that doesn't get blown away", 'collapses into a tiny compact blob', 'called a neutron star.']
-Explainer: ['So what I love about neutron stars personally', "is that they're kind of city-sized,", 'right?']
-Explainee: [That's right.] ---> Accept


  1. Karagjosova, E., & Tsovaltzi, D. (2005). Dialogue moves for DIALOG.
  2. Stolcke, A., Ries, K., Coccaro, N., Shriberg, E., Bates, R., Jurafsky, D., ... & Meteer, M. (2000). Dialogue act modeling for automatic tagging and recognition of conversational speech. Computational linguistics, 26(3), 339-373.‏
  3. Leech, G., & Weisser, M. (2003). Generic speech act annotation for task-oriented dialogues. In Proceedings of the corpus linguistics 2003 conference (Vol. 16, pp. 441-446). Lancaster: Lancaster University.‏
  4. Allen, J., & Core, M. (1997). Draft of DAMSL: Dialog act markup in several layers.‏