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Acknowledgments are utterances consisting of short phrases such as “ok”, “yes”, “uh-huh”, that signal that the previous utterance was understood without necessarily signaling acceptance. They do not resolve the content of the utterance they address. ”right”, ”alright” and ”ok” are ambiguous. They are commonly only an acknowledge when they are followed by a hint. ”OK” is commonly used after a not totally wrong answer.[1][2]

-Explainer: ['Have you ever heard of harmony?']
-Explainee: ['Yes.']
-Explainer: ['Okay, so what do you think harmony is?']
-Explainee: ["I think basically it's like, one person has the lower", 'voice and then like, girl usually has the higher voice', 'and then they blend it together.']
-Explainer: ['I like it.', "That's absolutely correct."]
-Explainee: [Okay.] ---> Acknowledge


  1. Stolcke, A., Ries, K., Coccaro, N., Shriberg, E., Bates, R., Jurafsky, D., ... & Meteer, M. (2000). Dialogue act modeling for automatic tagging and recognition of conversational speech. Computational linguistics, 26(3), 339-373.‏
  2. Leech, G., & Weisser, M. (2003). Generic speech act annotation for task-oriented dialogues. In Proceedings of the corpus linguistics 2003 conference (Vol. 16, pp. 441-446). Lancaster: Lancaster University.‏