Instrumental/procedural question

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An Instrumental/procedural question requires a long answer. Instrumental/procedural questions are formed according to the following abstract specification: "What instrument or plan allows an agent to accomplish a goal?". An example of Instrumental/procedural question would be: "How do you present the stimulus on each trial?" [1][2]

-Explainee:	['So how do you do your observations in optical and infrared?'] ---> Instrumental/procedural question
-Explainer:	["So fortunately there's, I'm also doing it", 'from space with the Spitzer Space Telescope, so particularly', 'in the infrared, and my    main interest has been to try and', 'study the environment around the super massive black holes,', 'not as close as where the X-rays are coming from,', "but clearly there's something from the X-ray corona", 'that illuminates the rest of the accretion disk,', "and the dust that's further out.", "And so fundamentally, that's one of the key things", "that I'm trying to use, is trying to see how long,", "once you've got this sort of pulse", "that's generated close to the black hole,", 'it propagates out, and so you can use optical wavelengths', 'to see that the accretion disk lights up', 'in the optical a little bit as it gets heated up', 'from the X-ray, and then later on,', 'the infrared dust, the dust absorbs it,', 'and emits it in the infrared.', 'And so that, I love that, the ability', 'to exchange time for resolution,', 'because these structures are so far away', "that we're never gonna get a telescope big enough", 'where that has the resolution to see the accretion disk,', 'or the dust distribution around--']


  1. Graesser, A. C., & Person, N. K. (1994). Question asking during tutoring. American educational research journal, 31(1), 104-137.‏
  2. Nielsen, R. D., Buckingham, J., Knoll, G., Marsh, B., & Palen, L. (2008, September). A taxonomy of questions for question generation. In Proceedings of the Workshop on the Question Generation Shared Task and Evaluation Challenge.‏