Relevant substantive response

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Substantive segments can be further divided into those that are relevant or irrelevant. Relevant substantive segments are those that are responsive to the Tutor’s comments in the sense of building on or following up to the Tutor’s comments. The following higlited segment would be an example of a relevant substantive response [1]

-Tutor: If I push it, it’s, velocity becomes some—something.
-Tutee: Mm hmm. [tutee nods yes]
-Tutor: So from zero to something, there is a change.
-Tutee: Ok, so yeah.// It wouldn’t be a constant. ----> Relevant substantive response


  1. Chi, M. T., Roy, M., & Hausmann, R. G. (2008). Observing tutorial dialogues collaboratively: Insights about human tutoring effectiveness from vicarious learning. Cognitive science, 32(2), 301-341